Welcome Connector
. . . This is your story
You seek the most centered and balanced way forward.
Your unique point of view is formed by your blend of the three foundational priorities of mind: Past (Certainty), Present (Probability), and Future (Possibility). The result of this blending of priorities is your thinking style and it defines the value you bring to every aspect of your life. It is what motivates you and it shapes your personality. It is also at the root of most of our differences in the way we each think.
You’re therefore capable of turning your attention to use either of the 3 priorities of thought. This has a positive and a challenging side to it. You build consensus between people, developing bridges of understanding and communication. You hear all points of view fairly and without bias. You often play a balancing role in conversation in order to help others investigate their point of view. However, it is more challenging for you to take on a true leadership role. This requires you to stretch yourself and come to terms with your own sometimes-conflicting points of view.
You will always blend Certainty, Probability and Possibility. You are a bridge builder between people’s different points of view. A person people turn to when they feel unheard or in need of advice. Use this ability as your foundation and align your efforts with what you do so well.
As a Connector, you have a
- desire to support others in achieving their goals
- need to be valued for your flexibility and multi-talented efforts
- temperate nature that welcomes diverse experiences and points of view
- global view of issues and situations
- realistic set of expectations about people and what they can or will do
- talent for playing the counterpoise to other people’s ideas and thinking

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Maximize Your Strengths
Combine Past, Present, and Future perspectives to balance life.
- Do keep the balance between the three thinking perspectives in order to help you succeed.
- Do allow yourself to see things globally so you can choose the right tool for the job; avoid focusing on one aspect too closely, thereby losing sight of the whole.
Growth Opportunities
You are a jack of three dimensions. The challenge is leading with one.
- Don’t forget that there may be times when it’s helpful to let one of the thinking perspectives dominate, as you may need to rely more heavily on the skills it provides.
- Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of relying predominantly on one or two thinking perspectives. This could happen through habit or laziness, but you know in your heart that the easier path isn’t always the better one.
What you bring to the world
A wise person once said. ‘In life, be neither the blade nor the hilt of a sword, be the balance that weights between them.’ This is you, a wise wielder of a sword that wishes neither to cut nor to withdraw. This requires an usual depth of wisdom which wells up from the constant balancing act you do in your own life as you play the patterns of thought like instruments in a song navigating your own experiences.
This is no easily won wisdom. In fact, many a time you have probably wondered “What is my role?” “What is mine to do?” And, often as not, the result of your inner inquiry is a mute request to help yet another needy person out to get their stuff done. Yes, the wisdom to see your role as support, gatherer of people, builder of bridges, mender of others’ fences, knitter of holes and stitcher of wounds. It takes wisdom to surrender into this beautiful role of service. It also takes great courage, for on this path you must fight your ego’s desire to be the alpha voice in your head.
Speaking of talking heads. Your inner chatter can probably get quite confusing at times, pulled as you are by three complementary but entirely divergent pattern of thought. Which way to go? What to follow? Who to listen to? Listen to your heart. It only has one voice and it is distinct and clear. You can know this. If it sounds like chatter, it’s mind. If it feels like calm, it is heart.
The Connector is the mediator
We all have relationships, they’re a natural and important part of most people’s lives. Why is it that even in our most intimate and important relationships we struggle, at times, to make things work, to understand each other, to see eye-to-eye? The simple fact is that we do not think the same way. We each bring our own point of view and use that to further what is important to us in the moment, whether it be in our private life, our work or with friends.
Knowing how we think—specifically our archetype—helps us to hear with more compassion. To listen and hear beyond a person’s words. To understand where they are coming from, what they need, and where they are trying to get to in conversation with us.
Find Out How Connector Relate With Each Archetype
Choose your friend or partner’s archetype below to gain insights into your relationship.

You understand their need to play it safe. Show them how to use that information to make plans for a shared future, and things will look bright.
They really need to play it safe. Don’t lose sight of your need to plan and take advantage of future opportunities.

You connect with your shared need to plan for the all the new adventures you’ll have together. Make sure you do some research of the past to make sure it’s the right path.
They don’t usually research before they act. Make sure you don’t lose sight of how important that is for you.

If you can keep up with their energy and help them temper their need for new opportunities, you can share a wonderful life together.
If they don’t learn to accept the need for using present organization and past information, you may be thrown out of balance or find that you’re growing apart.

You connect with your shared need to use past information to make smart plans. They don’t usually look for future opportunities, which you can help bring to the relationship.
Don’t forget your need for the spice of variety. Don’t let them coax you into a routine you’re not comfortable with.

You connect with your shared need for using the past to help you seek out new opportunities. Bring your planning skills into the relationship to help round it.
They’re not natural planners. Make sure you don’t lose sight of how important that is for you.

You connect with your shared need to use past information to make smart plans. They don’t usually look for future opportunities, which you can help bring to the relationship.
Don’t forget your need for the spice of variety. Don’t let them coax you into a routine you’re not comfortable with.

You connect with your shared need to see what new opportunities fit with the plans you’ve made together. Make sure you do some research of the past to make sure they’re the best opportunities.
They don’t usually research before they act. Make sure you don’t lose sight of how important that is for you.

You connect with your shared need for using the past to help you seek out new opportunities. Bring your planning skills into the relationship to help round it.
They’re not natural planners. Make sure you don’t lose sight of how important that is for you.

You connect with your shared need to plan for the all the new adventures you’ll have together. Make sure you do some research of the past to make sure it’s the right path.
They don’t usually research before they act. Make sure you don’t lose sight of how important that is for you.

Explore your shared Integrated thinking style and enjoy knowing someone understands how you manage life.
Make sure you’re dedicated to something and not just passing through life. There is danger in being too comfortable, and a little friction can enflame a relationship.
Want to read more about this Archetype?

The Connector’s Perspective
MindTime’s Archetype e-Handbooks offer over 50 pages of science-backed insights about each Archetype.
Archetype handbooks can be purchased individually by anyone who doesn’t own MindTime Cards.