Welcome Organiser
. . . This is your story
You pay attention to what’s likely to happen and how you can make it go your way.
Your unique point of view is formed by your blend of the three foundational priorities of mind: Past (Certainty), Present (Probability), and Future (Possibility).
The result of this blending of priorities is your thinking style and it defines the value you bring to every aspect of your life. It is what motivates you and it shapes your personality. It is also at the root of most of our differences in the way we each think.
Your thinking is oriented towards getting things done, sticking with your plans and finishing what you’ve started. You manage your affairs with diligence and you conscientiously follow through on what you have agreed to be responsible for. You manage by maintaining order using tools to help you manage. Your ‘tools’ are lists, calendars, plans and sometimes you even keep a list of all of your lists. You keep things on track both at a personal level and when you’re involved with other people.
You will always be driven to improve Probabilities, making sure that you reach your goals and satisfy your ambitions by managing your time and resources. Use this ability as your foundation and align your efforts with what you do so well.
As an Organiser, you
- seek stability and security; you are a steadying rudder in stormy seas
- have a need for a clear sense of your place in the community
- have a need for concrete well-defined goals and alternative plans in cases of upsets
- have an allegiance to initiatives and causes that have concrete impact
- have a practical approach to buying when it comes to products and services
- have respect for the social structures that help govern our lives

Your Archetype badge
Maximize Your Strengths
Use organisational and structural techniques to keep control over what’s happening in your immediate environment.
- Do everything you can to keep control over your surroundings and your life. You thrive on being able to follow a path you’ve laid out.
- Do use rules and structure to help you get where you’re going, but make sure you’re not a slave to them. Rules and structure should be tools we use, not the other way around.
Growth Opportunities
Seek opportunities in the future and take them. Use the past as a source of information for greater understanding.
- Don’t forget that we are heading toward the future and while we can plan for it, things can change. Make sure you have backup and alternative plans in place.
- Don’t ignore the past if it has something important to tell you. Yes, we can plan and change a path we’ve taken in the past, but it’s sometimes useful to know what didn’t work so we know what to change.
What you bring to the world
It’s a wise person who can take on a task and complete it. For you, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Wisdom is about using the right tool for the right job. This is a very practical kind of wisdom. It’s a little bit experience, a little bit knowledge, and a whole lot of theory and application.
You gain wisdom through watching how things are done. Examples and sketched-out diagrams and all those how-to books that give you the goods without the guff. You share your wisdom by putting those observations to use. You’re a Mr./Ms. Fixit. You know how things work. You can pull them apart and put them back together again. Since one of your life goals is to keep things moving fluidly, you like to apply this wisdom in very real ways.
For you, wisdom is linked to responsibility. In fact, part of your wisdom is in realising that everything around you is somehow linked. Like the butterfly in Africa that flaps its wings and causes the storm in America, you have the wisdom to recognise the connection of everything, even in the face of chaos. As scientists start proving how everything in the universe is connected, they’re just confirming what you’ve known all along.
Don’t mistake logic and intelligence for wisdom. You might be a very smart person, but wisdom is also something you earn through experience and learning. You can’t take a test to quantify how wise you are – it’s seen by example. And example is how you like to show people your competency. As you take your path in life, be sure to stop sometimes and admire the view, smell the roses, collect little nuggets of wisdom you might miss if you’re just passing through.
The Organiser is the Planner and Doer
We all have relationships, they’re a natural and important part of most people’s lives. Why is it that even in our most intimate and important relationships we struggle, at times, to make things work, to understand each other, to see eye-to-eye? The simple fact is that we do not think the same way. We each bring our own point of view and use that to further what is important to us in the moment, whether it be in our private life, our work or with friends.
Knowing how we think—specifically our archetype—helps us to hear with more compassion. To listen and hear beyond a person’s words. To understand where they are coming from, what they need, and where they are trying to get to in conversation with us.
Find Out How Organisers Relate With Each Archetype
Choose your friend or partner’s archetype below to gain insights into your relationship.

They can’t plan for squat – but you’ve got that covered. If they let you, you can organise a wonderful life together. But make sure you bow to their knowledge of how things worked in the past and might work now.
They will always play it safe, whether that works with your plan or not. They need proof before they’ll do anything! Keep that in mind when you’re trying to get them to do something your way.

You both look for ways of organising and structuring to control your lives, which can be great if you want the same things.
To be blunt, you can both be control freaks. If that means you have separate plans, things might not go quite as you had planned.

Your practical planning and organisation can help their optimism about future opportunities become a reality and not a dream.
They don’t like plans. They like to be free to do what they like, which won’t fit well with your need for control. They’re also not always the most reliable people. Chances are you’ll get very annoyed when they don’t keep to appointments you’ve made together.

You both use a Present perspective to help organise and structure what you’re doing. Working together, you can come up with some great plans and carry them through.
They will always play it safe, whether that works with your plan or not. They need proof before they’ll do anything! Keep that in mind when you’re trying to get them to do something your way.

It may seem you have little in common, but if you work together, you can complement each other’s special skills very well.
Your partner uses the fact-finding skills of a Past perspective to be really sure of what they’re doing. You’re more focused on taking control of what’s going on, and might feel slowed down by their need to play it safe.

You both need to have control over your own lives and what’s going on around you.
You are determined to make a plan and keep to it, always focusing on what’s happening now, whereas your partner is more interested in building a history together.

You share a need for having a plan and keeping order, so you understand each other in that regard.
They’ve got their eye on challenging new adventures, which might not fit with your plans.

When you work together, you can really produce an amazing collaboration – your practicality and their blend of imagination and facts.
You like the order and structure that helps you through life. They want to have experiences and play it safe, but not necessarily by your rules.

You share a need for order and structure. Be smart and you can really make this bond work.
They’re primarily looking for adventure, you’re primarily looking for control. Working together will require you to accept each other’s different approaches.

These people have their lives together. They can relate to all the different thinking styles, so they should be able to understand where you’re coming from.
Don’t mistake the fact that they need to use all three thinking styles. They won’t appreciate your need for control and organisation all the time, especially when they want to explore the future or resource the past.
Want to read more about this Archetype?

The Organiser’s Perspective
MindTime’s Archetype e-Handbooks offer over 50 pages of science-backed insights about each Archetype.
Archetype handbooks can be purchased individually by anyone who doesn’t own MindTime Cards.