Welcome Leader
. . . This is your story
You seek what’s known and what you can be certain of.
Your unique point of view is formed by your blend of the three foundational priorities of mind: Past (Certainty), Present (Probability), and Future (Possibility). The result of this blending of priorities is your thinking style and it defines the value you bring to every aspect of your life. It is what motivates you and it shapes your personality. It is also at the root of most of our differences in the way we each think.
Your way of thinking moves things from idea to result. A lot of this, you’ve probably realized, has to do with how you manage your time and which ideas you use to reach your goals. Things change, new ideas emerge, better ways of getting things done are discovered, you are constantly mindful of making sure that you can pull it all off. So many possibilities, so little time. The key word is focus. You are a master at managing chaos; focus is your ace card.
You will always blend Possibility with Probability managing new challenges while keeping up with the practical aspects of day-to-day life. Use this ability as your foundation and align your efforts with what you do so well.
As a Leader, you have

Your Archetype badge
Maximize Your Strengths
See future opportunities and use all of your planning and structuring skills to take advantage of them.
- Do let your intuition guide you and follow up your inspiration with practical skills.
- Do as much creating as you can. The more you create, the better you feel. And don’t just create in your mind: make it a reality!
Growth Opportunities
Reflect on the past, uphold tradition, and take the time to gather and analyze detailed information to have facts backing up what you’re doing.
- Don’t get into a position where you need to study endlessly it’s not something you naturally take to.
- Don’t let anyone use facts and statistics against you. If you need to, go get your own facts or statistics to support your claims.
What you bring to the world
Stupid is as stupid does. How often have you cringed watching people around you make the dumbest decisions? While intelligence is about cramming your head with useful or useless information, you see wisdom as something much more organic. It’s a collection of intelligence, experience, inventiveness, adaptability, logic and imagination. It’s something that marks us as humans, something a computer will never be able to do.
You didn’t learn this kind of wisdom from sitting around and reading books. While you might recognise that books have some value in the world, you’re the kind of person who learns from going out and doing something. You have a wisdom learned from taking life by the horns. It’s a hands-on kind of wisdom, down in the trenches, dealing with real situations rather than those dreamed up and printed on a page.
People respect your down-to-earth wisdom. Do friends come to you for practical advice? This is because you play the hands you’re dealt and are great at landing on your feet. You’ve got the wisdom of a survivor, a savvy and sharp sense for what needs to get done and what will work.
Sure your wisdom is cumulative, but it doesn’t generally rely on past information. You’re wise enough to realise that in this ever-changing world, new ideas and rules need to be made to deal with every new situation.
Your wisdom is about adaptability – how can you shift what’s happening now to accommodate these new changes. This is the way you use your wisdom—to see things as an organic whole and take in all possibilities before sharing your thoughts. It’s a good plan and as long as you remember to be as fair and impartial as you can, it says great things about your wisdom.
The Leader brings ideas and planning
We all have relationships, they’re a natural and important part of most people’s lives. Why is it that even in our most intimate and important relationships we struggle, at times, to make things work, to understand each other, to see eye-to-eye? The simple fact is that we do not think the same way. We each bring our own point of view and use that to further what is important to us in the moment, whether it be in our private life, our work or with friends.
Knowing how we think—specifically our archetype—helps us to hear with more compassion. To listen and hear beyond a person’s words. To understand where they are coming from, what they need, and where they are trying to get to in conversation with us.
Find Out How Leaders Relate With Each Archetype
Choose your friend or partner’s archetype below to gain insights into your relationship.

Working together, you can complement each other. Where you bring the energy of new, future experiences and the skills to organize everything in the present, they can bring the security of past knowledge to help you build your new world together smartly.
The pros only count if you’re working together!

You both look for ways of organizing and structuring to control your lives, which can be great if you want the same things.
You seek more new experiences than your partner, which may leave space for disagreements on what you plan to do next.

You work well together when it comes to sharing new experiences and savoring the variety that life has to offer.
Understand that while you like to have things organized and in place, your partner is hanging on as a free spirit. They won’t like your rules, so give each other space to be your own person.

You both use a Present perspective to help organize and structure what you’re doing.
You come from a place of new experiences whereas they’re looking for security. Life might be hard if you’re both organizing different things.

You both use a Future perspective to bring energy and explore new experiences.
Your partner uses the fact-finding skills of a Past perspective to be really sure of what they’re doing. You’re more of a free spirit who might feel weighed down by their need for security.

You both appreciate the need for organization and control and should use that to build something solid.
You’re primarily looking for new experiences whereas your partner is interested in building a history together. Carefully let your priorities be known.

They say opposites attract, and if you can organize your priorities well enough, you’ll see eye-to-eye on many things.
You have similar takes on the world but come at it from different angles. This may prove an important obstacle when you’re both faced with wanting something your own way.

You click with your desires to try new things and share new experiences.
While you’re coming from a place of keeping things together, they’re often looking for safety in tradition.

When you’re cooking, you can blend together perfectly, understanding exactly where each other is coming from.
If opposites attract, what about you guys? At your worst, you both want things your way and will try to control the situation to get it.

Since they integrate all three perspectives, the two of you can find a common middle ground pretty easily.
Their need to keep balance might wear thin if you want them to stand up for something.
Want to read more about this Archetype?

The Leader’s Perspective
MindTime’s Archetype e-Handbooks offer over 50 pages of science-backed insights about each Archetype.
Archetype handbooks can be purchased individually by anyone who doesn’t own MindTime Cards.